RedFiction Entertainment, We make thing people might like. ~Hosted by Dustin Curry, a silly person.

Dustin Curry @RedFiction

Age 31, Male

Animating Badlander

Community College

Parts Unkown, Year 2148

Joined on 3/16/13

Exp Points:
300 / 400
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.58 votes
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Welp, i've created the final version of our logo, as you can probably seen on the profile image or you can catch it here on our Art page as well. So, RedFiction was finalized today with the signing of our totally unnecessary but awesome PAPERWORK! and project "Hammer" has gotten back into production, the script has been worked out and now its onto actually getting it animated. I don't expect it to take longer than a month to produce, but you never know how things can go, it could be done in two weeks, or never. meh. But, I will keep you updated.

Which brings me to my other bit of news, I (Dustin Curry) will be taking over this profile more or less, (this will act as both the official RedFiction portal as well as my own). My partner David has created his own profile to fix our accreditation and revenue issues, so be sure to check him out, he makes some pretty cool 3d-art and some other stuff. He'll probably upload some stuff here or there as time goes on, so yeah. amounsgt other things, you can also check out my girlfriend Elizabeth's page, since shes technically a member of RedFiction by proxy and she will certainly be one of our voice actors. she doesn't really have anything up yet, but i'll see if i can get her to do a demo reel or put up some art or something.

anyways, thanks for reading, we're all totally stoked to get working on this, and we hope it holds up to expectations. looking forward to sharing it to the few out there who want it etc. :)
Wish us luck i suppose?
Onwards and upwards, maybe backwards.

~Dustin, out

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